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GaussML featured in the German AI Startup Landscape 2023

The German AI Startup Landscape is an annual publication by the appliedAI Institute for Europe, aiming to highlight the vibrant AI startup ecosystem in Germany. The report is a collaborative effort, bringing together insights from academia, government, and industry to map the most promising AI startups in Germany The appliedAI Institute for Europe, in collaboration with renowned venture capital firms and tech giants like NVIDIA and Intel, examined over 1000 startups with a primary business model based on AI. The rigorous methodology and standards set by the institute ensure that only the most promising and impactful startups are featured.

This year's landscape saw a significant surge in the number of AI startups based in Germany, with a 67% growth compared to the previous year. Our inclusion in this prestigious landscape is a reflection of our drive to make AI accessible to companies of all sizes. The report emphasizes the potential of AI startups like GaussML to tap into new insights that were previously too challenging or expensive to obtain through conventional methods.

Being part of this landscape not only validates our efforts but also aligns with our vision of bridging the gap between today's challenges and tomorrow's possibilities in the manufacturing domain. We are excited about the visibility this recognition brings and are eager to continue our journey of innovation, partnership, and growth. As GaussML continues to make strides in the AI landscape, we invite partners, investors, and collaborators to join us in our mission. Together, we can shape the future of AI for the benefit of society and industries at large.

You can find the full report here:


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